

Some people are always complaining of colds and colds, but most of these cases are of sinusitis i.e. sinus. First of all it is important to know what it is? Actually, there are many cavities (hollow holes) in our skull. These help to keep our head light and breathe. These holes are called sinus. If the sputum is filled up in these holes then there is trouble in breathing. This problem is called sinusities. In common colloquial it is also called sinus. Every year a large number of people fall prey to it or say new cases come every year. Those who have allergic sinus, they have an increased risk of polarization and smog in winter. Due to colds and pollution in the past, there is a tension in the throat. At the same time complaints like nose closure, nose rash and fever start getting started. If these symptoms persist for several days, then this can be acute sinus. If this problem persists or continues for more than three months, it may be chronic sinus.

Why is it

Inhalation of breathing, increased nasal bone and diarrhea, it is a common problem that is allergic i.e. sinus occurs if there is obstruction in the narrow entry path of sinus for any reason. Apart from this, mucus is filled with hollow holes several times, which causes sinus stops. Also, due to infections, swelling of the sinus membrane comes. This causes pain in the head, forehead, cheeks and upper jaws. This disease is not due to poor lifestyle, but those who are in field jobs i.e. those who live in the time of pollution or are related to the timber industry etc, they are more prone to sinus.


- Headache and heaviness
- Change in voice                                       
- fever and restlessness
- Right pain on the eyes
- Dental pain
- Smell and weakness of taste
- Hair is white
- Complaint of yellow liquid falling from the nose

How to know sinus

Sickness is often better just by taking its time. It gets cured more than once a week. However, the intensity of colds starts decreasing from the third to the fourth day. But if coldness stops suddenly or in a day or two, then it may be possible that the cold does not come out and it is possible that it can become sinus in the future. If the cold is almost a week and your whole time is fine then the patient does not have the risk of going after sinus because the mucus goes out through the nose, but if there is frequent coldness and it will be done in two to three days If he gets cured, he will become sinus if he is taken away and not taken medication.

Many kinds of sinus

Acute sinus: The symptoms of winter occurring suddenly, such as nose stagnation or burning in the face and pain in the face. This condition does not end even after 8-10 days, but usually persists for four weeks. Acute sinus is often caused by bacterial infection and in this it becomes infections in the upper part of the respiratory tract. Anti-biotic medicines are given for its treatment. They clear the infection with sinus. Negative drops are given to reduce inflammation in the nose, but they should be taken for a few days only. Use of longer days has a bad effect on the inner surface of the nose. Painkiller medicines are given for relief from pain. It also benefits from taking steam in it. Drinking plenty of water and resting the disease quickly fixes the disease.

Sub-acute sinus: In sinus, there is inflammation and burning sensation for four to eight weeks. It is also usually treated like acute sinus.
Chronic Sinus: In this, sinus irritation and swelling have long been Swelling of sinus is of two types: one, swelling is sudden and ends in a few days. But many patients have swelling in the long run and there is also a pain in the nose. There is a dire need to clean the nose's way. When these symptoms of sinus last for weeks, it is called chronic sinus. It may not be a fatal disease, but it affects the quality of life i.e. the patient is constantly worried. If someone has a problem of sinus for a few years, then he may turn into asthma later on. However, this time between children is 8 to 10 years old.

Recurrent sinus: If asthma is an asthma or there is an allergy related illness then it may be chronic sinus. It is treated almost like chronic sinus.

Note: Doctors give medicines according to the patient's condition. In the early stages, treatment of sinus is possible with medicines, but if the treatment is not done during the time, then surgery remains the last treatment. For sinus treatment or surgery, you have to go to the ENT specialist. Endoscopic sinus surgery is performed for sinus.

Disease differentiated, symptoms one
The signs of sinus in older and children, all, are the same. In addition, many symptoms of cold-cold, flu, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and sinus are nearly identical. However, there is a difference in all these diseases:

Cold and cough

Due to viral infection in winter and cold, there is an effect on the respiratory tract. Fever, headache, coughing, nasal bleeding or stopping, sneezing, sore throat, tears of eyes, difficulty breathing etc. are the main symptoms of colds and colds. Viral infections do not require anti-biotic drugs. It cures itself in 5 to 7 days or can take anti-allergic medication, so that you can get relief. It is better to ask the doctor before taking any medication. The steam and salt water gases benefit from it.

The flu

Flu occurs especially during the winter season. Colds, sneezing, cough, throat pain, body ache and fever are its common symptoms. It is also viral infection, but the condition is more serious than normal cold. There is also high fever and headache, pneumonia can occur. Its effect lasts for a long time. Normal flu lasting 5 to 7 days but pneumonia can last several days.


Asthma is the Greek word, which means stressing for breathing. Asthma is a disease that is caused by allergic reactions to human lungs. In this, swelling of the patient's respiratory tract comes. Because of this contraction, there is trouble in breathing because the lungs are not able to reach enough oxygen. One cause of asthma can also be genetic i.e. if someone has asthma in the family, then the next generation also increases the apprehension of it. It also has psychological causes. Often frightening inside the children becomes a tendency of panic, which, in turn, changes into difficulty of breathing.
Home dust (Frozen dust, blanket-quilt-mattress or spider mesh etc) on the wall-floor or carpet, changes in temperature or flu infection can cause asthma attack. A stroke in a dense fog can also get its attack. Sudden breathing, shortness of breathing, sleep due to cough, tightening of the chest or heavyness, frequent breathing and feeling of stretch in the whole body are symptoms of asthma. The doctor gives medicines to the patient according to symptoms. It is also advised that the patient should always keep an inhaler with asthma.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease usually occurs in smokers. Bacterial infections in winter increases apprehension of seizures. In this there is an infection in the lungs. Many times the patient may have to take the hospital if there is a lot of oxygen deficiency in the body. COPD attack is faster The patient is having trouble breathing. Do not delay when this happens and take the patient to the doctor immediately. It is treated with anti-biotic drugs.

Do such defenses

Avoid too heavy and padded furniture to avoid allergies. Make regular cleaning of your pillows, beds and carpets. Also keep in mind the cleaning of the rugs and footpaths. Stay away from the smell of perfume etc. Avoid air pollution.
- Improve your home ventilation system. As far as possible, open the window of the house and allow the air to cross.
- Avoid contact with people who have cold or some other viral infection.
- Do not stay too high or too low. Avoid sudden changes in temperature.
- Stay away from stress. Due to stress, white cells protecting the body become weak.
- Avoid swimming. If you have to swim, cover the nose. Keep in mind that there is definitely chlorine in swim water.
- Clean your nose with salt water.
- Take special care of cleaning. Avoid bacterial and viral infections. Always wash your hands with soap.
- Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.
- Drink tea or hot water as soon as you get up in the morning. Drinking hot things does not accumulate mucus in the nose or throat.

 What is the treatment


Rotate the nostrils of the nose alternately. Boil the water and take the prescribed medicines and discard the fans by covering the fan and covering the cloth, take long breath for 8-10 minutes with the nose and mouth. After that do not go into the air for 20 minutes. It is better to take steam with fresh fresh water. Do not use any nylon spray completely by yourself. Use spray only from doctor's advice. Saltwater is the most beneficial use of salt water.


It is also important to take medication for sinus treatment. But do not take any medicine without the advice of the doctor. Taking any medication without the advice of the doctor can do a great deal of harm and you can get in trouble so meet the doctor once the disease is detected. Use any spray etc. in the nose only by asking the doctor. In the early stages, treatment of sinus is possible with medicines, but if you do not take treatment during the day, then the operation can get done.

 When does the operation

- When the nasal has become a wart
- Fungus or infection brain has reached or pressed the eyes
- Headache is very painful and sleepy
The cost of surgery is different according to the hospital, but expenses of about 60 thousand to 1.5 lakhs are spent. Surgery takes one day. If the patient does not continue the treatment after surgery, or the doctor's prescription will stop taking the necessary medicines then the problem may be returned.

Common mistakes in treatment

- Do not do surgery while the pain progresses.
If the cold stay of 5 to 6 days is considered to be cold and not to the doctor.
- Take anti-bio-tic self-treatments or home remedies.

 Treatment in Homeopathy

For the treatment of sinus in homeopathy, these types of medicines are given to those who get relief in the headache and the cuffs filled out in the cuff come out through cold. These medicines are:
Kali bichromicum 30: 5-5 thrice a day
Arsenicum Album 30: 5-5 tablet three times a day
Silicea 30: 5-5 tablet thrice a day
Sambucus Nigra 30: 5-5 tablet thrice a day
Note: All these medicines give the doctor according to the age of the patient and symptoms of the disease. These medicines last for 1 to 2 weeks, when the problem of sinus is the first time. When the problem of sinus is repeated or the disease is outdated, medicines are given 3 to 6 months. Do not take medicine without asking the doctor.

Treatment in Ayurveda

Take 1 teaspoon sesopladi and half a teaspoon of Talisadi powder and take one week with warm water in the morning and evening.
Mix half teaspoon madhyusti powder with half a teaspoon of honey for one week in the morning and evening.
- Put two to two drops of cow's ghee for three days in the nose for three days before sleeping. Put the melted ghee in the nose only.

 Treatment in yoga

- 1 to 2 minutes water in the morning wake up
- Kunj Kriya 2 to 5 minutes
- Kadalbhati 5 to 7 minutes
- Mahavir Asana 2 to 3 times
- Veer posture 2 to 3 times
- paging posture 2 to 3 times
- Shalabhasan 2 to 3 times
- Dhanrrasan 2 to 3 times
- Manduakasan 2 to 3 times
- Gender currency 2 to 3 times
- Anloam-vilom pranayama 2 to 5 minutes
- Gastric Pranayama 2 to 5 minutes
After this, sit in meditation for 2 to 5 minutes or breathe for 2 to 5 minutes.
- Boil the water and let it cool down. Neati Kriya take care of a yoga guru one day and one month. Do not quit without an expert.
- All these yoga actions will be done in the morning and if you want to do it in the evening then do it 2 to 3 hours before dinner or four hours after lunch.

 What should we eat

Drink fresh vegetables' soup in addition to dates, raisins, apples, stems, oats, asafoetida, garlic, gourd, pumpkin, moong.
- Eat a meadow every morning after meals or after meals.
- Eat a spoonful Chyavanprash every day.
- Bathe with lukewarm water.
-10 to 15 basil leaves, 1 piece of ginger and 10 to 15 leaves mint. Grind each and boil it in a glass of water. When the water is boiled half, then filter it and drink honey according to the taste. Drinking it twice a day (morning after dinner and before sleeping at night) provides relief in sinus.

Do not eat

Avoid eating stale food, sugarcane juice, yogurt, rice, banana, ice cream, cold drink, fridge cooled milk, chocolate, and pungent. Do not travel much in the cold air or keep the nose and mouth covered.

This is also helpful

Turmeric and ginger tea

If you want to get immediate relief from sinus, then eat turmeric and ginger tea. Turmeric has many medicinal properties and the elements present in it can also reduce the irritation, so that any kind of allergic and irritability can be overcome. Ginger helps you to open the nose and clean the inside of the dirt. Grind one inch turmeric and one inch ginger and put one cup in boiling hot water and apply the lid. Put it on the heat for 10 minutes and then filter it. By consuming this tea, you will get relief from sinus pains.

Keep the home environment clean

Dust, earthy particles, animal hair, fungi etc. are the elements in the air, which are considered to be the major cause of sinus. For this, you should have air purifiers in your house, so that the environment inside your home is neat. But cleaning of filters is important every month. Keep your pets out of the house. Also, pay attention to their cleanliness. Cleaning the house once a week with a vacuum cleaner.

 Avoid External Infections

It is necessary to prevent pollution. The problem of some people suffering from sinus increases significantly. Whenever you go out, put a mask on your face. You can use the N-90 mask .... If you are driving the car, keep the mirror locked down and keep in mind that the ventilation system of your car is working properly.

 Avoid water scarcity

If you have sinus problems then know that there is a shortage of water in your body. You will soon have to get rid of this problem, otherwise a serious situation will arise. You should drink plenty of water for this. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking, caffeine, sweet syrup etc.


I had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) for 15 years. My first symptoms were dry cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath. My first chest x-ray only showed bronchitis. Finally I went to a pulmonologist, After many tests it was a CT scan that showed COPD, and scarring in my lungs. I quit smoking 17 years and 6 months ago. But the damage has been done. I got to the point I couldn't catch my breath and was coughing so hard I thought the top of my head would blow off. The day after I had the scan I was on oxygen the next night and was on it 24/7. December 2017  my pulmonologist and I decided to go with natural treatment and was introduced to Mbeki Herbal Clinic natural organic COPD Herbal formula, i had a total decline of symptoms with this COPD Herbal formula treatment. The infections, shortness of breath, fatigue, dry cough and other symptoms has subsided. Visit Mbeki Herbal Clinic official website ww w. mbekiherbalclinic. com or email herbs@ mbekiherbalclinic. com.

I have had great improvement with my over all respiration with this product and i breath very much easier, i can never be thankful enough to nature

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